I have to say that it is a privilege once again to be the General Chair of this prestigious congress that is in its XIV edition. INTERTECH'2016 - International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education is another successful scientific event organized by COPEC - Science and Education Research Council that happens in Salvador, Bahia a city that gathers history and leisure, the first capital city of Brazil. And on behalf of COPEC - Science and Education Research Council we are extremely happy to welcome and talk to all the participants.
The theme of the congress "Providing Knowledge to grant the Quality of Information Tools: a current Global Challenge" is an exciting topic that has brought a wide range of collaborations from the scientific community. The congress has become a great opportunity to keep constant contact with colleagues from different countries and thus to provide a fertile ground for discussions and exchange of experiences so important to the development of science and technology.
We are very proud to have the congress in such a venue, Salvador of Bahia a historical city that is placed on a gorgeous piece of seashore at the Northeast part of Brazil. With more than a thousand houses, churches and monuments built since the 16th century, Salvador has the greatest collection of Baroque architectural heritage in Latin America. A city to visit and enjoy!
This year INTERTECH is hosted by the UNEB - State University of Bahia a prominent university in Brazil, providing magnificent environment for the accomplishment of the event.
The NTERTECH'2016 - International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education is organized by COPEC - Science and Education Research Council and promoted by INTERTECH - International Council for Engineering and Technology Education in Technical Cooperation (in alphabetical order): AAMP (Fishing Museum Friends Society), ABENC (Brazilian Society of Civil Engineers), ABENGE (Brazilian Society for Engineering Education), AENUI (Asociación de Ensenantes Universitarios de la Informática), ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education), ASIBEI (Ibero-American Association of Engineering Education Institutions), GCMM (Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management), IEEE-Ed.Soc. (Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), IFEES (International Federation of Engineering Education Societies), IGIP (Internationale Gesellschaft für Ingenieurpädagogik), ISTEC (Ibero-American Science & Technology Education Consortium), OERN (Institute of Engineers of Portugal - North Region), Porto Gente (PortFolk), RBE (Brazilian Network of Engineering), RCI (Réseau Carthagene d'Ingénierie), SBA (Brazilian Automation Society), SEFI (Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs), SHERO (Safety, Health and Environment Research Organization ), SPEE (Portuguese Society for Engineering Education), SPEED (Student Platform for Engineering Education Development), WCCA (World Council on Communication and Arts) and WCSEIT (World Council on Systems Engineering and Information Technology).
We have to thank in special our sponsors FAPESP (State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation), CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) and CAPES (Coordination for Improvement of Personnel of Superior Level).
We thank all the participants for their collaborations and we would like to express our appreciation for the hard work of the team that helped us throughout the congress and that really cooperated for the success of the event such as the local organizing committee members, the staff. Our deepest gratitude to Prof. Valnice Sousa Paiva and Prof. Dr. Tereza Cristina de Farias Guimaraes and the Tipense Research Group for their exceptional efforts. And we could never forget Prof. Dr. Muthar Al-Ubaid the President of INTERTECH - International Council for Engineering and Technology Education always present and actively participating.
We believe that all the participants have taken the best of this experience.
Thank you all.
Prof. Dr. Claudio da Rocha Brito
President of COPEC
President Elect of IEEE Ed.Soc