I want to express my joy with contributions to the WCCSETE2016 - II World Congress on Computer Science, Engineering and Technology Education. This edition we could count with the hard work of our members, professionals and volunteers who have organized this exceptional event with the goal to provide participants the best congress experience ever. We also have organized social and cultural events of high quality besides the technical sessions full of excellence. The different congress events benefit our scientific and professional community and promote a wonderful time among our group members of participants.
The congress venue is outstanding a place to visit and enjoy - the city of Castelo Branco that is internationally known for embroidered quilts made by hand, the regional cheese and the olive oil and wine. Lying between the rural landscapes of the center of the country, this beautiful town also displays typical architecture, secular monuments and medieval churches - a very attractive destination for curious travelers.
WCCSETE offers the possibility of updating and revisiting classical concepts and cutting edge useful information in Computer Science, Engineering and Technology Education. Participants of WCCSETE2016 have the opportunity to discuss the latest improvements as well as to promote research and development in the core areas.
The theme of this edition is: "Improving Computer Science, Engineering and Technology Education by Industry-University Interactions" It aims to provide participants with up-to-date information in Computer Science, Engineering and Technology Education fields, counting with the presence of experts from across the globe.
WCCSETE2016 happens in Castelo Branco, Portugal the first capital of Brazil, and the host Institution is Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (IPCB). We are proud to organize this congress in such institution that has opened its door and providing the excellent organizing committee that has been working restless to make of this another successful congress. We could not forget to thank in special the IPCB local committee in the person of Prof. José Carlos Metrôlho, director of ESTCB -School of Engineering of Castelo Branco, and Prof. José Salvado, former chair of the IEEE Education Society Chapter Portugal Section for their efforts and great work.
The II World Congress on Computer Science, Engineering and Technology Education - WCCSETE2016 - is organized by COPEC - Science and Education Research Council and in Technical Cooperation (in alphabetical order): AAMP (Fishing Museum Friends Society), ABENC (Brazilian Society of Civil Engineers), ABENGE (Brazilian Society for Engineering Education), AENUI (Asociación de Ensenantes Universitarios de la Informática), ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education), ASIBEI (Iberian-American Association of Engineering Education Institutions), GCMM (Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management), IEEE-Ed.Soc. (Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), IFEES (International Federation of Engineering Education Societies), IGIP (Internationale Gesellschaft für Ingenieurpädagogik), INTERTECH (International Council for Engineering and Technology Education), ISTEC (Iberian American Science & Technology Education Consortium), OERN (Institute of Engineers of Portugal - North Region), Porto Gente (PortFolk), RBE (Brazilian Network of Engineering), RCI (Réseau Carthagene d'Ingénierie), SBA (Brazilian Automation Society), SEFI (Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs), SHERO (Safety, Health and Environment World Congress), SPEE (Portuguese Society for Engineering Education), SPEED (Student Platform for Engineering Education Development), WCCA (World Council on Communication and Arts) and WCSEIT (World Council on Systems Engineering and Information Technology).
Let's not forget to thank our sponsors FAPESP (State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation), CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) and CAPES (Coordination for Improvement of Personnel of Superior Level).
COPEC's team is composed by a multidisciplinary group of professionals including experienced conferences organizers, scientists, researchers and academics, with a wide experience in the promotion of conferences. We are specialized in scientific conferences in the field of higher education and work globally.
As in all editions the ideas, opinions and professionals contributions are shown in lectures, plenary sessions, presentations of papers and workshops. The opening session counts with the participation of promoters of the event and several authorities. At the end, the closing session presents the main results of the event.
On behalf of the team I want to thank the authors and participants for their collaborations and willing to share their contributions for the development of science and technology for the betterment of humanity in their fields of expertise.
We are delighted that you have joined us and trust that the benefits of participating of such event meet your expectations.
Prof. Dr. Claudio da Rocha Brito
President of COPEC
President Elect of IEEE Ed.Soc.