VI World Congress on Communication and Arts


April 04-07, 2013 – Geelong, Australia.
Message from the General Chair | Message from the Technical Program Chair
Message from the Technical Program Chair

As the Technical Program Chair of WCCA’2013 - VI World Congress on Communication and Arts I want to thank the program committee members, whose contributions have been very important for the accomplishment of this edition of the congress.

In this fantastic location Geelong, WCCA’2013 is taking place at the Deakin University. The University is currently among the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the country and has also been gradually assert itself on the international scene. Established in 1974, Deakin was Victoria's fourth university and the first in regional Victoria and today, Deakin operates in a global, connected world with the digital economy.

Once again thanks to the efforts of many reviewers and authors we can reach the goal of the congress to show the latest researches and provide a forum for discussions and personal interactions and as usual a series of interesting articles will enlighten congress program due to their quality and wide range of topics.

I am very happy with the accomplishment of WCCA’2013 - VI World Congress on Communication and Arts that has been a challenging and rewarding task.

On behalf of the Technical Program Committee which efforts should be acknowledge once more, I have to thank all the authors for their collaborations; all the participants for their presences and the reviewers for their great job.

Thank you all and enjoy it!


Prof. Dr. Melany M. Ciampi

President of WCCA