Prof. Maria Feldgen

Maria Feldgen graduated in Scientific Computing at the School of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), in 1983. In 2007, she obtained the title of International Engineering Educator "ING_PAED IGIP", certified by the International Society for Engineering Education, Internationale Gesellschaft für Ingenieurpädagogik, Società Internazionale per la Pedagogia dell'Ingegneria. Currently, she was an Associate Professor in the area of ​​Distributed Systems in the Computing Department of the School of Engineering of the University of Buenos Aires (nowadays she is retired). She has given multiple postgraduate and masters courses in the topics of Distributed Systems and Computer Networks in several universities. Her research areas were Distributed Systems, Industrial Networks of Sensors and Actuators and Education in Engineering. She participated in multiple research projects on Preservation and Access to Historical Heritage and multidisciplinary engineering projects with emphasis on Industrial Networks. She was co-director of several UBACYT research projects on the Integration of new Technologies in Industrial Automation. She was a member of several evaluation and recruitment committees of professors for other universities. She was a member of technical evaluation commissions of research projects and scholarships at UBA, and for accreditation of Computer Engineering and Computing programs at CONEAU (National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation). She was founder, president, vice president and treasurer of the Education Society of the Argentine Chapter of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) since its creation in 2003. She received several awards in recognition of the contributions to Education in the fields of Engineering and Computing. She is the author of multiple articles in international and national conferences and magazines. She is reviewer of papers for an international magazine and of multiple international congresses. He is a member of the program committee of several international congresses. She was the Local Chair of the VI International Conference on Education in Engineering and Computing - ICECE 2009 held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She was the Conference Chair and member of the Steering Committee of EDUNINE 2018 (II IEEE World Engineering Education Conference) held in Buenos Aires, Argentina and she is currently the Technical Chair and also member of the Steering Committee of EDUNINE 2019 (II IEEE World Engineering Education Conference) which will be held in Lima, Peru.